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April 2020 Update

April 2020 Update



I simply want to offer this poem.



Not cancelled!

Ours thoughts

Our imagination

Our creativity


Not cancelled!





Not cancelled!





Not cancelled!





Not cancelled!





Also not cancelled is my book.  As planed the last four chapters have been submitted to my coach for review. I am now waiting for comments. Then I shall rewrite and I will have completed the second draft.


Hoping that spring sprouts new life in each one of us!

Be well!


January 2020 Update

January 2020 Update

May your New Year be happy and may you be showered with blessings of health, peace and love.

I have confidence that each of us can contribute to the happiness and well-being of others. Scientists tell us that everything is energy, that we are energy. I believe that just as our energy can be depleted by being around people whose energy and thoughts are negative or low, our energy can also be boosted by those whose energy and thoughts are positive and vibrate at a higher frequency. My energy is boosted by your positivity and hopefulness that this book will one day be released.

I feel good about the progress of my book; so far, eight chapters have been reviewed by my coach. His comments and remarks are very helpful and inspire me. I plan to submit four more chapters for review before the end of March.

As we begin a new year, and I continue to revise and write the second draft of my book, I want to thank each and every one of you for boosting my energy!

In gratitude,

October 2019 Update

October 2019 Update

Happy Fall and welcome to the new subscribers!

I have spent many enjoyable hours writing during the summer and I have started my second draft of the book. With the help of a writing coach, I am reviewing each chapter one by one. I also appreciate the help and feedback I receive from “Icedash” a great group of writers who meet once a month where I live in Shediac, New Brunswick.

Opportunities to continue learning keep showing up and I sign up when I can. In October, I participated in a workshop in Halifax given by Elizabeth Gilbert the author of Eat, Pray, Love (among many other books). She is a fascinating speaker and gave us food for thought as she led us through writing exercises which helped us face our fears and discover our strengths. I have signed up for another writing retreat in November, organized by the Writers Federation of New Brunswick (WFNB).
I am making progress; the writing is coming along nicely and I still love it. I will be back with another update in early 2020.

Thank you for your interest, support and patience.

July 2019 Update

July 2019 Update

In the last week of June, I participated in a wonderful writing retreat Writing by The Sea. It was held in Victoria by The Sea, a beautiful and inviting village on Prince Edward Island.

I learned about the technicalities of writing, about structure, process and prompts. But I mostly learned through conversations, and sharing with a wonderful and inspiring group of authors. Our host and instructor, Trevor Corkum, asked questions that brought conversations to a level much deeper than thought. I appreciated the discussions about perseverance, intuition and creativity. I loved listening to the inner wisdom of the participants, as they shared their work. I understood that I was not to compare myself or my writing to other people. And I finally grasped the concept, that all books are written in stages… first draft, second draft, third draft and so on until it is ready to be released. I now understand more fully the process of writing a book and the amount of time it may require to have it completed. This brought me to reflect on my project and to re-evaluate my goals. It helped me to assess where I am presently and where I want to go with my book. I also walked away knowing that it takes more than one person to write a book and I understood the kind of help I will need to move forward. Summer is upon us and for me that means many activities with family and friends. I plan to enjoy all of it fully. I will update you again, on the progress of my book, in the fall. Enjoy the summer, soak it all in! Yolande

June 2019 Update

June 2019 Update

It has now been a whole year since I began writing my book. The last weekend of the month of May I attended “Wordspring”, the spring event offered by the Writers Federation of New Brunswick (WFNB).  It was a wonderful weekend filled with workshops, a panel discussion, presentations, the sale of books, and much more. I met authors, editors, publishers, and received so much information. I left, feeling full of all this knowledge, and was anxious to apply all that I had learned. I came home, looked at my book and suddenly I felt overwhelmed! The book will most likely not be published this year, and if I go with a traditional publisher, it may not even be published next year. Some publishers are now accepting books that will only be coming out in 2021. It was clear to me now that whether you chose to self-publish or are fortunate enough to be accepted by a traditional publisher, it is a long and arduous process.

The more I tried to improve my writing and tried to apply all I had learned the more discouraged I became. Doubt introduced itself: “This is crazy, whatever made you think you could write a book? This chapter does not fit here, that paragraph is all wrong, there is a chapter missing and the last chapters are poorly written!”  I put my book down. The image in my mind was that I had just dropped it and there it laid, broken and in pieces. I could not put it back together again.

Two weeks passed; I did not touch it. Occasionally I would glare at it. It was still broken. Then, I visited my son who is a professional actor and he reminded me that this is all part of the process. It was true. I remembered that when I created workshops, when I worked on a paper which needed to be submitted, or even when I worked on a painting, there would almost always come a time when I felt overwhelmed. Where nothing seems to fit or make sense.  It is then that I would have to step back, take a break, return to my first intention and choose to keep on working at it. I do want to write this book and I will finish it.  I must trust the process.

Thank you for hanging in there with me.
