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July Update 2021

July Update 2021

A branch from a cherry tree hangs over my patio. In the spring, I spent time contemplating buds forming on the bare branches. Then came the leaves, followed by tiny white flowers. Now, the branches droop, heavy with cherries. I watch them mature. I can reach up and touch them. Some are still green, some yellow-orange, other orange-red and soon they will be ready. Then we will be able to bite into a beautiful, deep red, ripe berry. It will bring nourishment; life supporting other life. In the meantime, there is a process while it ripens. It cannot be rushed or made to be ready before it’s time.

Once more, I am drawn to reflect on the lessons we can learn from nature. I ponder the question: could the process of getting a book published be similar? It starts with an event that sparks the idea to write a book, followed with the writing, the editing, the submissions for publishing and the waiting. It feels like nothing is happening but perhaps it is ripening. Perhaps subconsciously I am not ready to totally let go of it yet. Perhaps I have a few more life lessons to learn until I am ready to truly release it. Perhaps, I am ripening! When I read what I have written in my blog, I see the progress. If you go to my website at you can follow my journey of bringing a book to fruition, from my first written blog on January 2019 to today.

I have received a response from a second publisher and his words were also encouraging: “Yours was a very fine manuscript and a great story.” he writes. However, due to the downturn of sales during COVID he did not chose my book to be published.

Thank you for waiting with me

April Update 2021

April Update 2021

April 2021

It is spring and it is also six months since I began sending out book proposals to publishing companies. Often, I am asked “Have you heard any news about your book yet?” The answer is yes. I did receive a response to my very first proposal. It was a lovely handwritten letter by the owner, explaining why he did not choose my book for publishing. Surprisingly, I did not feel rejected. On the contrary, I felt motivated by his words. He encouraged me to keep searching for a publisher who publishes similar types of books. I felt honoured when he wrote that he believes there is a readership for the book. It confirmed my belief that there is a publisher for my book out there; I simply have not found them yet.

As I write this, I catch a glimpse of a banditry of chickadees circling a tree nearby. They land on the bare branches and begin to chirp pleasantly. They are numerous. I remind myself that publishers also are numerous. I simply have to keep researching and sending out proposals. I believe one will publish my book when the time is right.

Have a happy spring!

January 2021 Update

January 2021 Update

January 2021

Three publishers now have my manuscript in the pile on their desk or in an email folder. Due to the volume of submissions publishers receive, many only respond to projects they are interested in publishing. Evaluation time can typically take three to six months. I wait…

Through my window I watch the snowflakes fall and I know that nature is also in waiting. The squirrels in my back yard playfully and confidently jump from one branch to another, from one tree to the next. “Take a lesson from the squirrels” I tell myself. The present moment is so important. Take one jump at a time. Where will I jump next? It is time to make a new list of publishers and send out another round of proposals.

My wish for you…
May you jump into the new year playfully enjoying the present moment, and confidently knowing that spring will come.


October 2020 Update

October 2020 Update

October 2020

Fall is a perfect time to learn about the concept of non-attachment.
Observing the beautiful colours of fall, I watch the leaves as they detach from the branches. The tree lets them go without resistance. The leaves, carried by the wind, will land wherever they may and will become nourishment in the soil for new growth in the spring.

A thought comes to mind. The time has come to let my book go. I do my best to take a lesson from the tree. I release it, believing it too will fall where it may and perhaps bring hope to someone, somewhere in the future.

I have moved on to the next phase and I am now seeking a publisher. Although I have doubts and fears, I choose to focus on the wise words of a well-respected author from my writing group. “Be prepared for long waits and plenty of rejections” he shared with me “and also know there is a publisher wanting your book.”

Be well, stay safe and enjoy the beautiful colours of fall.

July 2020 Update

July 2020 Update

Hope you are well.

The second draft of my book is done. It is now ready for a Manuscript Tune-Up, a third round of editing.
It has been two years now since I began writing. Images of tossing a bottle into the sea drift through my mind. The bottle is tossed to and fro by the waves, knowing not where or when it will come ashore. And so it is with a book. One tosses words upon a page and lets it be carried on waves of doubt and fear, but also on waves of hope and longing to make a difference. As the message in the bottle eventually reaches a sandy beach; I wonder where, in the end, my book will land.

Thank you for your continued interest,