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February  2019 Update

February 2019 Update

Welcome and thank you to all new subscribers.
I want to thank all of you for your interest in my book. I am enjoying writing it. I compare it to traveling. It is like a journey where I go from chapter to chapter and discover the hidden treasures that each reveals. I learn, I grow, and I transform, never to be the same as before. It is an inside journey rather than traveling to a physical destination!
This month, I am considering sending in a another proposal to a second publisher.  Preparing a book proposal requires much time and attention. However, I still continue to write and work on my book.
Thank you for your support.
January 2019

January 2019

In May 2018, when I said yes to writing a book, I knew I had a story to share but also much to learn! I started by attending a 2-day Writer’s Workshop with Hay House, my favourite publishing company. As a participant of the workshop, I was also given the privilege of submitting a Book Proposal to win a publishing contract with Hay House. Immediately, I started writing my book!  After writing several chapters and a rough draft for the remaining chapters, I completed my proposal. It was submitted at the beginning of December. The winner will be announced on March 21 2019.  In the meantime I continue to write.

Periodically, I will send messages to keep you posted on the progress of my book until it is published.