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Welcome everyone!

Writing this book is giving me great joy. I love to write with pen and paper. Every time a new thought or idea about my book crosses my mind, I write it down. Sometimes, a whole chapter will come to me and I can write the first draft from start to finish.  Other times, it will be given in short blurbs… a thought, an insight, a feeling that I jot down in my journal. Then suddenly, I am inspired to read parts and pieces of what I have written. It is almost like walking through a field and picking flowers. I gather them, arrange them to see how they best fit together, and then another chapter is revealed.

This is the month where the winner of the Hay House Writers Workshop contest will be chosen. The announcement will be made on March 21 on the Hay House Face book page. There are three prizes to be won. One winner will get a contract to have their book published by Hay House. The second and third prizes are publishing packages from Balboa press. I feel grateful to have the opportunity to participate in this contest. Regardless of whether I get one of these prizes or not, I am a winner! Writing this book at this time in my life is a priceless gift!

Thank you for your interest.