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A branch from a cherry tree hangs over my patio. In the spring, I spent time contemplating buds forming on the bare branches. Then came the leaves, followed by tiny white flowers. Now, the branches droop, heavy with cherries. I watch them mature. I can reach up and touch them. Some are still green, some yellow-orange, other orange-red and soon they will be ready. Then we will be able to bite into a beautiful, deep red, ripe berry. It will bring nourishment; life supporting other life. In the meantime, there is a process while it ripens. It cannot be rushed or made to be ready before it’s time.

Once more, I am drawn to reflect on the lessons we can learn from nature. I ponder the question: could the process of getting a book published be similar? It starts with an event that sparks the idea to write a book, followed with the writing, the editing, the submissions for publishing and the waiting. It feels like nothing is happening but perhaps it is ripening. Perhaps subconsciously I am not ready to totally let go of it yet. Perhaps I have a few more life lessons to learn until I am ready to truly release it. Perhaps, I am ripening! When I read what I have written in my blog, I see the progress. If you go to my website at you can follow my journey of bringing a book to fruition, from my first written blog on January 2019 to today.

I have received a response from a second publisher and his words were also encouraging: “Yours was a very fine manuscript and a great story.” he writes. However, due to the downturn of sales during COVID he did not chose my book to be published.

Thank you for waiting with me